11th September 2017, 20:30 start – Rock and Heifer
Friday 23rd December 2016, 19:00 start – The New Inn, Wilsden, BD15 0AB Christmas social evening with darts, pool and a few drinks!
We have arranged a visit to the M-Sport facilities on Thursday 3rd November. It will start early evening so you’d need to be leaving Bradford area about 14:30. Entry is £20 per person and please book your place with Paul Slingsby as soon as you can. For those going to M-Sport on Thursday, please be […]
11th July 2016, 20:30 start – The New Inn, Wilsden, BD15 0AB Thank you to all the members who held office this past year and everyone who has supported the club. Special thanks to Paul Slingsby who has been our treasurer for several years but has now handed over the cash bag to Russell Coppin. […]